Monday, August 29, 2005

Navy honors four Marines' valor in combat

Continuing with my theme on heros, here's one from the Marine Corps.
Thanks for your service gentlemen.

CHARLIE NEUMAN / Union-Tribune
Navy Secretary Gordon England pinned the Silver Star on Marine Cpl. Timothy C. Tardif at Camp Pendleton yesterday. Staff Sgt. Adam R. Sikes (center) also received the Silver Star; Sgt. Marco A. Martinez (at far left) received the Navy Cross.

By Rick Rogers
May 4, 2004

CAMP PENDLETON – As Sgt. Marco A. Martinez read his Navy Cross citation, the words took him back to April 12, 2003, and the battle of Tarmiya.

After his squad leader was wounded, Martinez, then a corporal, rallied the troops. At one point, his men came under fire from a building.

"Enduring intense enemy fire and without regard for his own personal safety, Cpl. Martinez launched a captured enemy rocket-propelled grenade into the building . . . allowing a wounded Marine to be evacuated," read the citation accompanying the medal.

Later in the battle, "he single-handedly assaulted the building and killed four enemy soldiers with a grenade and his rifle," according to the citation.

Yesterday, Navy Secretary Gordon England presented the Navy Cross to the 22-year-old Martinez and the Silver Star to two other 2nd Battalion, 5th Regiment Marines – Staff Sgt. Adam R. Sikes, 27, of Aliso Viejo, and Cpl. Timothy C. Tardif, 22, of Huntington Beach – before a gathering of hundreds of Marines at Camp Pendleton.

A spokeswoman at the base said the combat medals might be the highest awards presented so far to members of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force who fought their way into Baghdad last year.

Gordon also presented the wife of Gunnery Sgt. Jeffrey E. Bohr Jr. of Fallbrook with a posthumous Silver Star.

It was little more than a year ago that 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines was ambushed in a hail of small-arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire at Tarmiya.

When asked after the ceremony if he was afraid, Martinez said quietly, "There's really no time for fear."

Martinez, of Las Cruces, N.M., who in boots might be 5 feet 7 inches tall and weigh 140 pounds, added, "Through the whole firefight, I really wasn't scared. It was more I wanted to kill them before they kill me.

"Reading the citation, I remember what I did and what I saw that day," Martinez said. "During combat, the first 10 to 20 seconds moved in slow motion, but when you realize that if you don't move fast enough you are going to get shot, it goes back to real time. It's hard to explain."

The Navy Cross is the Navy's second-highest decoration for bravery after the Medal of Honor.

In the same battle, Sikes and Tardif earned their Silver Stars, the third-highest decoration for heroism during combat.

"Staff Sgt. Sikes charged alone across 70 meters of fire-swept ground to close on the first enemy strong point, which he cleared with a grenade and rifle fire," according to his citation. He then moved to the roof of a three-story building that was exposed to enemy fire. There he adjusted mortar fire and "decimated an enemy position," the citation read.

Like Martinez and Sikes, Tardif belonged to 1st Platoon, Company G, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment.

"Cpl. Tardif charged across a road under intense small arms and rocket propelled grenade fire inspiring his Marines to follow his example," according to his citation. "Engaged in intense close quarters battle, he received significant shrapnel wounds."

Tardif later collapsed from his injuries. He said a blood transfusion on a medical evacuation helicopter saved his life. No Marines were killed at Tarmiya, though a handful were wounded.

Gordon presented Lori Bohr with her husband's Silver Star.

Gunnery Sgt. Jeffrey E. Bohr Jr. was killed April 10 during a mission to take a presidential palace in Baghdad.

"When the lead vehicles of the convoy reached a dead-end and were subjected to enemy fire, Gunnery Sgt. Bohr continued to boldly engage the enemy while calmly maneuvering his Marines to safety," the citation read.

"My husband really believed in what he was doing over there," Lori Bohr said.

Navy honors four Marines' valor in combat

The story I posted earlier references Sgt. Marco A. Martinez, so I felt it fitting to post the awarding of his Navy Cross as well.

Campus Rads vs. Our Vets

This is an article that discusses the college campus radicals vs. the Veterans umongst them.
It is a shame that these people can't appreciate the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform.
Again, the "I support our trooops, but..." crowd is out in force and continue to denigrate our military.
All you liberal idiots need to quit saying you support the troops, and in the same breath disparage them for their service to this nation.

Here's a taste:

Campus Rads vs. Our Vets
The antiwar unwelcome on campus.

By Wynton C. Hall & Peter Schweizer

As college students hit campuses across the nation this week, a new generation of young veterans will step off the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan and onto the ideological battlefield of our university campuses. For those on the frontline in the war on terror, the antiwar hostility of liberal professors and campus activists will assuredly prove unsettling.

Just ask Marine sergeant Marco Martinez, a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and a full-time psychology major at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, Calif.

“A woman on campus had apparently learned I might be a Marine. When I told her I was, she said, ‘You’re a disgusting human being, and I hope you rot in hell!’ ”

Indeed, Martinez, who will be the first male in his family to receive a college diploma, says he is receiving more of an education than he bargained for: “There are a lot of people who don’t appreciate military service in college,” Martinez said. “If someone asks me about it, and I think that they’re not too liberal, I might tell them I was in Iraq. But I don’t tell them the full extent of it or anything about the Navy Cross.”

The Navy Cross — as in second only to the Congressional Medal of Honor. Martinez, formerly of 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, is a bona-fide American hero and the first Hispanic American since Vietnam to receive the Navy Cross. During the Battle of At Tarmiya, one of Sergeant Martinez’s fellow marines had been hit in the legs and left for dead by five terrorists holed up in an adobe garden shed. That’s when Martinez used his body to shield the dying marine from the terrorist before mounting a 20-meter frontal charge at the bunker with nothing but a depleted rifle and a grenade. With enemy bullets pinging off his gear, Martinez unpinned the grenade, slammed his body into the adobe building, and lobbed the device into the window of the structure, killing all the terrorists inside.

But as liberal professors and antiwar activists continue to wage a nationwide campaign to rid university campuses of military recruiters — in some cases going so far as to throw water bottles and scream epithets at them — it is easy to see why Sergeant Martinez would remain tight-lipped about being one of the nation’s most decorated heroes.


Wake up America!
Support our troops without the "but" after you say it.
Deeds, not words, show your support for our troops, they deserve it.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital

This has got to be the most despicable action that can ever be undertaken in a time of war!
The people that are involved in this need to have their heads examined.
I am ashamed to consider them Americans.
Protesting a war is fine. Protesting a war in front of the hospital where the majority of the wounded return to is inexcusable.
How dare any of them.
I bet they also say that they "support the troops" in their hatred for America.

I am appalled that anyone would consider this to be a legitimate action.

Here's a story that needs to keep going and needs to be shoved into the faces of the collective America bashing, troop hating left of this country.

Anti-War Protests Target Wounded at Army Hospital
By Marc Morano Senior Staff Writer
August 25, 2005

Washington ( - The Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., the current home of hundreds of wounded veterans from the war in Iraq, has been the target of weekly anti-war demonstrations since March. The protesters hold signs that read "Maimed for Lies" and "Enlist here and die for Halliburton."

The anti-war demonstrators, who obtain their protest permits from the Washington, D.C., police department, position themselves directly in front of the main entrance to the Army Medical Center, which is located in northwest D.C., about five miles from the White House.

Among the props used by the protesters are mock caskets, lined up on the sidewalk to represent the death toll in Iraq.

Code Pink Women for Peace, one of the groups backing anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan's vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas, organizes the protests at Walter Reed as well.

Some conservative supporters of the war call the protests, which have been ignored by the establishment media, "shameless" and have taken to conducting counter-demonstrations at Walter Reed. "[The anti-war protesters] should not be demonstrating at a hospital. A hospital is not a suitable location for an anti-war demonstration," said Bill Floyd of the D.C. chapter of, who stood across the street from the anti-war demonstrators on Aug. 19.

"I believe they are tormenting our wounded soldiers and they should just leave them alone," Floyd added.

According to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, nearly 4,000 individuals involved in the Iraq war were treated at the facility as of March of this year, 1,050 of whom were wounded in battle.


May the Pinko communist pigs rot in hell.

And, oh by the way, many people that support the President have worn the uniform, and many have served in combat. I am one of them.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Immigration, and Democrats Are Two Faced Liars

Catchy title isn't it!

Gov. Bill Richards is a two faced liar.
His "Border Emergency" is a political ploy and is not meant to do anything against illegal immigration.

Want proof? Read on...

The declaration says:
"the region has been devastated by the ravages and terror of human smuggling, drug smuggling, kidnapping, murder, destruction of property and the death of livestock... [It] is in an extreme state of disrepair and is inadequately funded or safeguarded to protect the lives and property of New Mexican citizens."

...Richardson... criticized the "total inaction and lack of resources from the federal government and Congress" in helping protect his state's residents along the border...

Sounds good doesn't it?

How does he justify his stance on this issue when he has been a complete opposite on this until now?

A 1996 quote from the governor:
"These are changing political times where our basic and programs are being attacked. Illegal and legal immigration unfairly attacked. We have to band together and that means Latinos in Florida, Cuban-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, South Americans - we have to network better - we have to be more politically minded - we have to put aside party and think of ourselves as Latinos, as Hispanics, more than we have in the past."

And another from 2003:
"¡Viva la raza! . . . Thank you for coming to Santa Fe. Know that New Mexico is your home. We will protect you. You have rights here."

Oh, and there is this 8/18/05 :
"...In fact my state, New Mexico, is the most immigrant friendly state. We have licenses for undocumented workers. We have scholarships for them to go to our university because we want to integrate them; we don't want them out driving without insurance..."

Need more? Read more:

...Richardson plans to spend about $50,000 to fence the stockyards at the Columbus Port of Entry, but has no other plans for fencing along the 180-mile New Mexico-Mexico border, [Richardson policy adviser Bill Hume] said.
Richardson said Monday he is not in favor of closing the border.

"We're looking to increase law enforcement to knock back the illegal activity associated with the immigration," Hume said.

He still supports driver's licenses for illegal immigrants and still supports giving them scholarships to universities, and has not stopped giving them aid and comfort in his state by continuing to give them hand outs in the form of welfare and other subsities that we as Americans are paying across the board.

Governor Richards is a liar and two faced political hack.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Recognizing our Troops

I've decided to add news about Soldiers that recieve medals for heroism.
I think there is way too many people in America that don't support our troops, and their sacrifices. It is high time that there heroism and sacrifices be noted.

Special Forces Soldier awarded the Silver Star

Sgt. Joe Healy
U.S Army Special Operations Command

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (USASOC News Service, July 14, 2005) — A Special Forces Soldier was awarded the Silver Star in a ceremony at the U.S. Army Special Operations Command here July 14.

With his wife and children watching nearby, Sgt. Maj. Roderick C. Anderson, a command sergeant major assigned to 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), received the Silver Star from Brig. Gen. Gary M. Jones, commanding general, U.S. Army Special Forces Command (Airborne).

Anderson received the award for exceptionally valorous achievement July 3, 2004, while serving in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan’s Kunar province.

During his remarks, Jones said he remembered Anderson as “a young sergeant” when Jones commanded the 2nd Battalion, 3rd SFG in the early 1990s.

“Anderson was communications sergeant at the time,” said Jones. “But I knew from day one that this guy was the metal that we wanted for Special Forces.”

While deployed, Anderson directed a daring combat mission in treacherous mountain conditions against anti-coalition militia, resulting in the capture of nine high-value targets.

Leading a 25-vehicle convoy, which included Special Operations assets, Afghan Security Forces and Marines, Anderson’s unit was attacked by anti-coalition forces. He immediately provided command and control for the convoy, and called in close air support. Anderson exposed himself to the enemy while firing a light anti-tank weapon, which greatly suppressed enemy fire.

Moments later, the vehicle directly behind Anderson’s was disabled. Anderson immediately stopped his vehicle and engaged the enemy, while dispatching four Soldiers to recover the downed vehicle’s sensitive signal equipment. All the signal equipment was recovered.

“I am truly honored, but more importantly I am humbled by this award,” Anderson said. “I am humbled because the guys I work with - I’ve seen what they have done on a daily basis.”

Anderson said three other Soldiers that fought in the ambush received awards for their actions.

“It was a whole lot of guys doing what was necessary,” he said.

Anderson, 40, has been with 3rd SFG since 1991.

The Silver Star is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with the U.S. Army, is cited for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force, or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

The required gallantry, while of a lesser degree than that required for the Distinguished Service Cross, must nevertheless have been performed with marked distinction.

Thank you for your service Sergeant Major.
Here's another:


Steadfast SF Soldiers awarded Silver Star

By April Rowden

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (USASOC News Service, June 29, 2005) — A hesitant host-nation army, an unexpected leadership role and a gunshot wound to the abdomen didn’t stop three Special Forces Soldiers from protecting their comrades during enemy attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan last year.

Sgts. 1st Class Bradly M. Felix and Roger G. Watts, and Staff Sgt. David G. Colucci, all assigned to the 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), stood before more than 60 guests at a Valor Awards Ceremony June 28, 2005 at U. S. Army Special Operations Command here as Lt. General Philip Kensinger, USASOC commander, awarded each the Silver Star.

Listening to the retelling of their fearless actions was emotional for the Soldiers.

“It was humbling because I have two buddies not with me anymore,” Felix said of the Sept. 20, 2004 ambush in Afghanistan’s Paktika province, where he rallied Afghan National Army Soldiers to fire back on the ambushing anti-coalition militia. “But at the same time I’m honored.”

The award keeps the memory of his fallen comrades alive, Felix said.

For Watts, the ceremony was an opportunity to recall the May 12, 2004, firefight near Karbala, Iraq, where, while serving as the senior medical sergeant and assault cell leader, he left his own vehicle to administer life-saving aid while under intense mortar and small-arms fire to two crew members of a disabled tank. He then assumed command of the tank.

Modest about their awards, Felix and Watts, both instructors at Camp Mackall, said they have incorporated their combat experiences into the training scenarios used to indoctrinate potential Special Forces Soldiers.

Recognizing the importance of first-hand knowledge in this unconventional war, Watts said he “wants to make sure I can pass my experience to the junior guys.”

Telling the audience they were in the company of heroes, Col. Patrick M. Higgins, commander of the 3rd SFG, praised the men for braving hostile fire, repelling assaults, deflecting ambushes and being upstanding men.

The men, however, say they feel they did nothing extraordinary or worthy of receiving the fourth highest medal in the Army.

“It was instinctive,” asserts Felix, who has been in three near ambushes. “The training kicks in and you do what you need to do.”

“The medal means a lot to the team as a whole because it’s a reflection of the team,” said Watts, insisting his individual actions didn’t deserve an award. “If it wasn’t for their support, it could have been a different outcome that night.”

No lives were lost in the Karbala attack.

Colucci was awarded the Silver Star for his unwavering bravery during an ambush in Afghanistan June 25, 2004. He was serving as the senior engineer sergeant.

While conducting a recovery operation of an improvised explosive device, Colucci’s convoy came under attack. Although he suffered a gunshot wound to his abdomen, Colucci maneuvered his vehicle into a protective position and pulled security for his fellow Soldiers until reinforcements arrived. He then manned the door gunner machinegun while his element moved into a secure area to wait for medical evacuation.

The Silver Star is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with the U.S. Army, is cited for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force, or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

The required gallantry, while of a lesser degree than that required for the Distinguished Service Cross, must nevertheless have been performed with marked distinction.
Thank you Sergeants, you are a credit to the uniform.

Monday, August 01, 2005

What’s In a Name?

Andrew C. McCarthy

There was a good editorial in Friday's Dallas Morning News on the administration's latest foray into politically correct self-parody: namely, what to call the, y'know, er, the thing over there, um, like in Iraq and Afghanistan (i.e., the enterprise formerly known as "The War on Terror.")

The W-word is apparently out. Wouldn't want to refer to a war as a "war." After all, according to the head of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Richard Myers, "if you call it a war, then you think of people in uniform as being the solution." He is referring, of course, to people in military uniforms. Soldiers killing jihadists before they can blow up another U.S. embassy, or navy destroyer, or skyscraper. Surely you can see why that would not be a solution.

More at: What’s In a Name?

Great article!
I agree whole heartedly!

It is a war, not some politically correct euphemism that doesn't even come close to describing the "war on terror".

There is no way in hell that I will call it anything else other than the "war on Islamist extremism". I might call it that instead of the "war on terror".

Enjoy the article.

Here's another I thought you might enjoy!

J. D. Pendry
Hanoi Baghdad Jihad Jane (JJ)

"The image of Jane Fonda, Barbarella, Henry Fonda's daughter...sitting on an enemy aircraft gun was a betrayal...the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine," – Jane Fonda on 60 Minutes April 3, 2005
In the United States in August of 1972 if you flipped on the AM radio, which in those days still played popular music, you'd likely hear Gilbert O'Sullivan singing Alone Again (Naturally), the Three Dog Night singing Black and White or Mac Davis’ Baby Don’t Get Hooked on Me.

A 19-year-old soldier lucky enough to have down time from patrolling the jungle, sitting in his sandbag reinforced hooch way inside the concertina wire somewhere in South Vietnam, might have heard this coming from Radio Hanoi. “This is Jane Fonda, during my two week trip to Vietnam…” While sipping hot beer and longing for the day when he boarded the freedom bird, he was blessed with the voice of a cultural elitist. A privileged, rich, American glorifying his enemy while characterizing him as a murderer. Never mind that he knew what the Viet Cong were capable of doing and often did to the people of a village that might befriend Americans. ….” read Vietnamese history, particularly their poetry, and particularly the poetry written by Ho Chi Minh.”

More at: JD Pendry