Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Media

It's been a while since I posted. Some of us have jobs. I do. I also go to college.

The latest spat of BS out of the media has been an interesting one.
It just goes to show you where the media stands in its unadulterated bias.

Bias in the media has been rampant and it is now being seen as a medeler in politics and is heavily slanted towards the left.

It is one thing to have an opinion, it is another when that opinion is offered as the truth in news and is used to influence the elections.

Thank God that there is the internet and a way to check facts that otherwise would not see the light of day at all.

Unfortunately, there are too many people in America that receive their news from one of the "big three" and are completely clueless to the real truth.

It is high time that the media gets exposed for what they really are, a shill for the Democratic party of America.
Too bad most of America won't get clued in to their ways, unless they have a computer and use it to do their own research.

Unfortunately, there is way to much apethy in America and democracy will slowly erode in this great country.

Gotta get back to work.
Wake the hell up America.

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