Saturday, January 08, 2005

Anti Military

There seems to be a rash of anti-military rhetoric as of late.
It rather sickens me, that people would do this.

If it weren't for the military, you wouldn't enjoy the freedoms that you have today.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

The Revolutionary War.
200,000 Troops; 4,435 KIA; 6,188 Wounded; 10,623 Total; 80 Months duration; 55 KIA/Month.
Ahh, the beginnings of freedom weren't cheap, were they?
Now if it weren't for those 200,000 soldiers, we'd still be kissing England's ass.

War of 1812.
286,000 Troops; 2,260 KIA; 4,505 Wounded; 6,765 Total; 30 Months; 75 KIA/Month.
Some "scholars" feel that this was merely an extension of the Revolutionary War, others feel that it was a right of passage to sovereign status. Either way, they did this for our freedom.

Indian Wars
Total servicemembers 106,000
Battle deaths 1,000

The Mexican War.
78,700 Troops; 1,733 KIA; 11,550 Wounded; 4,152 Other; 17,435 Total; 20 Months 87 KIA/Month.
This particular war started with the incursion of the Mexican Army into Texas and their subsequent killing of several in a US scouting party. It finally ends after the US Army occupies Mexico City. Notice the map change after this time?
A point of contention with many I am sure, but, I tend to like the way things are now.

The Civil War.
At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000. The number that is most often quoted is 620,000. At any rate, these casualties exceed the nation's loss in all its other wars, from the Revolution through Vietnam.

Civil War (1861–1865)
Total servicemembers (Union) 2,213,363
Battle deaths (Union) 140,414
Other deaths in service (nontheater) (Union) 224,097
Nonmortal woundings (Union) 281,881
Total servicemembers (Conf.) 1,050,000
Battle deaths (Conf.) 74,524
Other deaths in service (nontheater) (Conf.) 59,2972
Nonmortal woundings (Conf.) unknown

The leading authority on casualties of the war, Thomas L. Livermore, admitting the handicap of poor records in some cases, studied 48 of the war's battles and concluded:
Of every 1,000 Federals in battle, 112 were wounded.
Of every 1,000 Confederates, 150 were hit.
Mortality was greater among Confederate wounded, because of inferior medical service.

Spanish-American War.
Total servicemembers 306,760
Battle deaths 385
Other deaths in service (nontheater) 2,061
Nonmortal woundings 1,662

World War I.
Total servicemembers 4,734,991
Battle deaths 53,402
Other deaths in service (nontheater) 63,114
Nonmortal woundings 204,002
Living veterans fewer than 500

World War II.
Total servicemembers 16,112,566
Battle deaths 291,557
Other deaths in service (nontheater) 113,842
Nonmortal woundings 671,846
Living veterans 4,762,000

Korean War.
Total servicemembers 5,720,000
Serving in-theater 1,789,000
Battle deaths 33,741
Other deaths in service (theater) 2,827
Other deaths in service (nontheater) 17,730
Nonmortal woundings 103,284
Living veterans 3,734,000

Vietnam War.
Total servicemembers 8,744,000
Serving in-theater 3,403,000
Battle deaths 47,410
Other deaths in service (theater) 10,789
Other deaths in service (nontheater) 32,000
Nonmortal woundings 153,303
Living veterans 8,295,000

Gulf War.
Total servicemembers 2,183,000
Serving in-theater 665,476
Battle deaths 147
Other deaths in service (theater) 382
Other deaths in service (nontheater) 1,565
Nonmortal woundings 467
Living veterans 1,852,000

America's Wars Total
Military service during war 42,348,460
Battle deaths 651,008
Other deaths in service (theater) 13,998
Other deaths in service (nontheater) 525,256
Nonmortal woundings 1,431,290
Living war veterans 17,578,500
Living veterans 25,038,459

I have not included the current war on terror, as it is ongoing and the numbers will change.

The point of this, is for those of you that have never served in any branch of the military, to get some perspective on what the military has done for you now, and in the past.
Being in the military does not make you a war monger. What it does do, is give you an appreciation for the sacrifices of those in the past and those that are currently sacrificing themselves for the cause of freedom and liberty.

Whenever you see a Veteran, remember this: "All gave some, some gave all."
If you remember that, you might just find yourself in a position to show respect and thanks to all Veterans that you come across.

Also remember, it doesn't matter which political party is running the country, the military always, and there is no exception, always follows the direction of our country as the current Commander in Chief designates.
War is merely an extension of politics by other means.

Thanks for your attention.
Class dismissed!

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