Monday, May 16, 2005

Newsweek Must be Held Accountable

Newsweek must be held accountable for their obvious anti-American, anti-military story that resulted in the deaths of 16 and injured 100.

The story published in the May 8 issue of Newsweek was a blatant lie that sparked anti-American protests across muslim countries around the world.

The set back that this rag has created is treasonous.

The writers and editors of this story should be brought up on charges of murder and treason.

It is high time that the media be held accountable for their overt anti-Americanism and when this results in the death of innocent people and puts our Soldiers in harms way, they should be brought up on charges, and fined at a minimum.

Their parent company should pay the families of those that died compensation for their losses, and they should pay every time a Soldier is killed due to their misconduct.

"We regret that we got any part of the story wrong, and extend our sympathies to victims of the violence and to the U.S. soldiers caught in the midst," said Newsweek Editor Mark Whitaker in a note to readers.

This half-assed attempt at an apology, doesn't cut it.

"It's outrageous, I think it's accessory to murder," said Fox News military analyst Col. David Hunt, now retired from the Army.

"This is a lie. This is [a] criminal act as far as I'm concerned. People died," Hunt told Fox interviewer Geraldo Rivera. "A lot worse things should happen to Newsweek than ... making this half-assed apology."

"It's treasonous at worst," Hunt added. "How about not hurting the war? How about causing no harm? I think Newsweek should lose every reader it ever had."

A statement that they "may have erred" is outrageous! "We may have erred" isn't good enough. It isn't even close.

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