Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Immigration, and Democrats Are Two Faced Liars

Catchy title isn't it!

Gov. Bill Richards is a two faced liar.
His "Border Emergency" is a political ploy and is not meant to do anything against illegal immigration.

Want proof? Read on...

The declaration says:
"the region has been devastated by the ravages and terror of human smuggling, drug smuggling, kidnapping, murder, destruction of property and the death of livestock... [It] is in an extreme state of disrepair and is inadequately funded or safeguarded to protect the lives and property of New Mexican citizens."

...Richardson... criticized the "total inaction and lack of resources from the federal government and Congress" in helping protect his state's residents along the border...

Sounds good doesn't it?

How does he justify his stance on this issue when he has been a complete opposite on this until now?

A 1996 quote from the governor:
"These are changing political times where our basic and programs are being attacked. Illegal and legal immigration unfairly attacked. We have to band together and that means Latinos in Florida, Cuban-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, South Americans - we have to network better - we have to be more politically minded - we have to put aside party and think of ourselves as Latinos, as Hispanics, more than we have in the past."

And another from 2003:
"¡Viva la raza! . . . Thank you for coming to Santa Fe. Know that New Mexico is your home. We will protect you. You have rights here."

Oh, and there is this 8/18/05 :
"...In fact my state, New Mexico, is the most immigrant friendly state. We have licenses for undocumented workers. We have scholarships for them to go to our university because we want to integrate them; we don't want them out driving without insurance..."

Need more? Read more:

...Richardson plans to spend about $50,000 to fence the stockyards at the Columbus Port of Entry, but has no other plans for fencing along the 180-mile New Mexico-Mexico border, [Richardson policy adviser Bill Hume] said.
Richardson said Monday he is not in favor of closing the border.

"We're looking to increase law enforcement to knock back the illegal activity associated with the immigration," Hume said.

He still supports driver's licenses for illegal immigrants and still supports giving them scholarships to universities, and has not stopped giving them aid and comfort in his state by continuing to give them hand outs in the form of welfare and other subsities that we as Americans are paying across the board.

Governor Richards is a liar and two faced political hack.

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