Friday, January 07, 2005

Hey Hollywood! Liars!

Some of you Hollywood morons declared that you would leave the country, if President Bush was re-elected.

Why are you still here?
Get the hell out of my country.
If you can't stand it that much, just get the hell out.

Hey George, how's life in the monestary? Oh, wait, you didn't move into one. You are a lying piece of bottom feeding scum. Get the hell out and stay the hell out of my country.

You idiots that espouse the Hollywood madness can also get the hell out of my country. Hell, Mexico and Canada are really close. In fact, you could drive yourself, or have your chauffer do the driving, in either case, get the hell out of my country.

You support the troops, you say?
When was the last time, or any time, that you actually got off your sorry butt and did something for the troops?
I haven't seen, nor heard of the majority of you people doing anything, but complaining. "Shut up and sing," or act, or better yet, just get the hell out of my country.

You people are worthless.

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