This is a good case for border enforcement and I will be happy to continue patronage of both of these fine franchises. The illegal alien issue is a sore point for me, especially since my wife came to America from Korea, legally, had to apply for removal of her conditional status on her green card after residing in the USA for two years, then had to wait another 3 years just to apply for citizenship. After many trips to L.A. and a lot of paperwork, time and money, she became a citizen. In my opinion, hers as well, if you want to be a part of America, we're all for it; just do it legally. If you are here illegally. then you do not have the right to dictate to me, or any other American legal resident/citizen amy demands for clemency, or anything else. Get the hell out of my country!Support Dunkin Donuts and ApplebeesBy Michelle MalkinOpen-borders extremists are starting a boycott of the donut franchises and the restaurant chain. Why? Because they won't hire aliens whose bogus Social Security numbers don't check out:
A local group fighting for immigrant rights is calling for a boycott of two nationally known companies. Dunkin Donuts and Applebee's are accused of discriminating against immigrant workers whose names don't match their social security numbers.On the 10th anniversary of what immigration reform advocates call stringent changes to immigration laws, supports of the legalization of the undocumented are once again speaking out -- only this time, they are hoping not only to mobilize their vote, but also use their buying power to force the kind of change they want.
"The social security administration says it plans to send out 8 million no match letters," said Martino Unzuerta, Chicago Workers Collaborative.
The initial purpose of the social security administration's 'no match' letter was to credit workers unclaimed social security earnings. The agency routinely sends out 'no match' letters to a company when employees' names and social security numbers don't match possibly because of a spelling error, omission of information or a unreported name change. But immigration activists say some employers are now aggressively using the letters to fire immigrant workers.
"The Bush administration wants to give the appearance that they are cracking down on undocumented immigration and workers are an easy escape goat," said James Thindwa, Chicago Jobs with Justice.
Groups accuse several companies of the practice using 'no match' letters to immigrant workers who don't have valid social security numbers. They want the public to boycott businesses, including Applebee's and Dunkin Donuts. Neither company could be reached for comment.
What's there to say? You can't reason with people who cry "racism" as a response to businesses who abide by the law.
Also from Michelle:
Women with spineWafa Sultan returns.
Brigitte Gabriel speaks at Heritage.Listen and learn.
Wafa Sultan has a sack, er chutspa!
Wow, I am truly impressed. You go girl!
This one is about George Soros, what a maroon!
Speaking at a Washington symposium on the continuing threat posed by illegal drugs to American society, Calvina Fay of the Drug Free America Foundation declared billionaire George Soros to be an "extremely evil person" who wants to legalize dangerous mind-altering drugs. Sounding a battle cry as critical November elections approach, Fay told the assembled conservative activists that Soros, an atheist who is a major funder of the Democratic Party and liberal-left causes, is "our common enemy" and that he is determined to subvert traditional values and undermine America's families.
This guy is out to lunch. His grip on reality must be drug impaired.
A CON JOB FROM AL-JAZEERA'S RIZ KHANDon't be fooled by these Islamist propaganda artists. They are invading our air waves to passify the left even more than they already are. The funny thing about the left and Islam, should Islam become a force in America, their way of life would no longer be an option.Riz Khan of Al-Jazeera International made a dramatic appearance in Washington, D.C. on September 6, assuring an influential group presided over by conservative activist Grover Norquist that America has nothing to fear from the new channel being launched by the Arab regime of Qatar.
Accuracy in Media disagrees.
If the United States wants to win the war against Islamic terrorism, Khan and his Arab backers should be told in no uncertain terms that an English-language affiliate of Osama bin Laden's favorite TV channel is not welcome on U.S. cable and satellite systems.
The stakes are high: If Al-Jazeera International gets access to American households, it is probable, if not inevitable, that we will lose the war, not only in Iraq but worldwide. Such a channel could not only further tilt global media coverage against the U.S. position in the world, but could incite Arabs and Muslims inside the U.S. to engage in jihad and commit terrorist acts. That is exactly what the Arabic version has done in Iraq, and that is why it is banned by the new democratic government there.
Ironic isn't it?
by Matthew Vadum
America’s barbaric terrorist enemies have a friend in the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), an ultra-leftist public-interest law firm that for four decades has protected the supposed constitutional rights of those who would destroy the United States. From its founding in the tumultuous 1960s, CCR has used what it calls “innovative impact litigation” to aggressively attack U.S. anti-Communist policy, the war on Islamist terror, and American businesses. CCR lawyers agree with Islamic Fascists’ critique of American society and ritualistically denounce the U.S. for its supposed hegemony and imperialism, denying that America has a right to defend itself and regulate its borders.
Posted Oct 03, 2006
CCR inhabits a paranoid, nightmarish parallel universe. In it, America is a land of breadlines, racism and totalitarian tyranny. In today’s America, “political dissent and protest are under grave attack ... This political repression is accompanied by economic hardship for millions, while racism and environmental devastation flourish along with the fattened bank accounts of the war profiteers who run our government,” wrote CCR’s legal director, William Goodman, in its 2005 annual report.
These morons need to be thrown in jail at the least, but definately belong on the N2BK list.
Once again, America's hands are tied in the war onby Amanda B. Carpenter
Is the U.S. government giving up the interrogation technique that extracted vital intelligence from 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?
Posted Oct 02, 2006
On Fox News’s “The O’Reilly Factor” on September 20, Brian Ross, chief investigative correspondent for ABC News, reported that a tough interrogation technique called “waterboarding” had been used by the Central Intelligence Agency to break Mohammed, inducing him to surrender “very valuable” information.
Here's more...
White House Won't Touch Waterboarding
Whether or not the new legislation governing interrogation of prisoners outlaws waterboarding -- the practice of simulating drowning that has worked in the interrogation of captured al Qaeda terrorists -- the White House refuses to say.
But days before the measure was enacted by the Senate and signed into law, one of its premier sponsors was strongly suggesting waterboarding would now be banned in future interrogations. Appearing on CBS-TV’s Face the Nation September 24, Sen. John McCain (R.-Ariz.) was asked by John Harris of the Washington Post about past claims about the legislation that “severe punishment, pain -- should not be inflicted but serious pain can. What can that possibly mean in concrete terms?”
“In concrete terms,” replied McCain, “It could mean that waterboarding and other extreme measures such as extreme deprivation, sleep deprivation, hypothermia and others would not be allowed.”
“Waterboarding” was singled out in a report by ABC News’ top investigative reporter Brian Ross as an effective means of securing information from captured al Qaeda terrorists -- among them Khalid Sheik Mohammed, one of the architects of 9/11.
The Left’s Seminaries
How times change.
By David French
It is tough not to admire the campus Left’s mental agility. Over the past few decades, we have seen the architects of the free-speech movement become the authors of speech codes, and those who formerly glorified dissent clamp down on campus with a mind-numbing level of intellectual conformity. Scientific inquiry is welcome, unless it results in tough questions about possible innate gender differences. Open debate is the hallmark of the academy, unless of course that debate intrudes into areas where policy should be settled and morality decided (like when dealing with race, class, gender, war, peace, and sexuality).
Given the remarkable ability to reinvent its position on the free-speech clause of the First Amendment (from protesters to censors), it was only a matter of time before the Left began to rethink the religion clauses as well, especially the establishment clause. “Separation of church and state” has been a battle cry of the hard Left for many decades, but what if the Left ran the state — or at least dominated an important state agency? Would the Left remain dedicated to this allegedly bedrock principle?
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Deanonomics Is Pure Deanogoguery
Responding to the DNC chair’s dangerous economic manifesto.
By Thomas E. NugentIn a recent Wall Street Journal editorial, Howard Dean provided voters with a thumbnail sketch of the new economic direction Congress will take if the Democrats gain control on November 7. In what follows, I provide you with Dean’s outline — call it “Deanonomics” — while responding in kind to the anointed spokesman for the out-of-power party.
Excellent slap-down of the left's poster child.
Have a good day all.
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