Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Islam and the Media

We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

Benjamin Franklin


Qaeda "leader" claims beheading of Sudan editor

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A man purporting to lead an African branch of al Qaeda claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the beheading of a Sudanese newspaper editor who was found dead last week.

The man, in a statement distributed to Sudanese newspapers, called editor Mohamed Taha a "dog of dogs from the ruling party", and accused him of insulting the prophet Mohammad.

Is anyone really surprised?
Islam at its finest!
Fascist pigs.
Anyone catch this?


September 12, 2006 -- WELL, here it is, five years late, but here just the same: an apology from an Arab-American for 9/11. No, I didn't help organize the killers or contribute in any way to their terrible cause. However, I was one of millions of Arab-Americans who did the unspeakable on 9/11: nothing.

Too little, too late.
Where are the rest of the "moderate" muslims?
Apology not accepted.
However, you are correct in your initial statement and it is still the same today: "I was one of millions of Arab-Americans who did the unspeakable on 9/11: nothing."
And this continues today: "nothing."


Somali radio shut by Islamists re-opens without music

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A Somali radio station closed by Islamists for playing local love songs deemed to encourage immorality returned to the airwaves on Monday after pledging to stop broadcasting music.
Are you seeing this Hollywood morons?
Your singing/acting days are numbered if the Islamo-fascists get their way.
Keep appeasing them you idiots, it's exactly what they hope you will do.


When pictures lie

A TV report that helped fuel the deadly Palestinian intifada appears to be false. So how is truth supposed to compete with a video fraud?
More fauxtography from the all mighty media.
Can't believe a damn thing from these idiot


Storm Clouds Over Paris

A gathering storm comes to a head in Paris this week as a series of lawsuits get underway. Three individuals who criticized France-2 TV’s world-famous footage of Mohammed Dura were sued for defamation by the powerful state-owned TV company. Specifically singled out for criticism were correspondent Charles Enderlin and cameraman Talal Abu Rahma. We encourage readers to see the video at Second Draft.


A small leak can sink a great ship.

Benjamin Franklin

A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.

Gerald R. Ford

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