Monday, September 18, 2006

Religion of Peace my Ass!

I started writing this on the 25th of August, but decided to hold off on my scathing reproach of Islam, but in light of the recent BS from Islam in relation to the Pope's comments, and his later apology, (I'll deal with that later) , I've decided to revive this and add more to it....

Islam a religion of ass it is.

Where and when has Islam ever been a religion of peace?
Here are a few examples of this peace loving religion:

The persecution of Lina Joy

We have been hearing that Islam is a religion of peace, and in fact that Islam means peace. Both of these assertions are in error. Islam means submission. Check with any good Muslim dictionary and "submission" will be the definition of Islam. Redefining the word Islam is an attempt to deceive people about the real nature of Islam.

The argument is made based upon the idea that the Arabic word salaam means peace. The word "Islam" shares a common root with salaam, therefore Islam means peace also. It is true that Islam and salaam share a common root, but according to the dictionaries, they do not mean the same thing.

According to A Basic Dictionary of Islamic Words by M Zakiuddin Sharfi, Islam means, "Submission or resignation to the will of Allah, completely. He does not define salaam, but does note that one of the ninety-nine attributes of Allah is as-Salam, meaning "The Peaceful One’

A common greeting is Arabic is "as-Salam-u’Alaikum." This means "Peace be upon you." It is easy to see that it is not Islam, but Salam.

Do not be deceived by claims that Islam means peace. It means submission. Islam has always been a religion of violence.

When the US discovers that their soldiers have mistreated Muslim prisoners of war, they condemn it and charge the soldiers with a crime and try them as criminals.

Islamic militant groups capture innocent civilians, like Nick Berg, who was beheaded in a video tape sent to the media by Muslims.

This is where I left off, so here is where I'll start...

Islam is a junk religion.
Islam is garbage.

Islam is a hateful religion.

Islam is not about peace.

Islam sucks.

Here is a real martyr:

Murdered Nun Asked Forgiveness For Killers As She Lay Dying, Colleagues Say

An elderly nun shot four times at the Somali hospital where she worked forgave her killers as she lay dying, colleagues said Monday in the wake of a murder that has focused attention on Islamic radicalism in the Horn of Africa country.

God rest her soul.

Islam at its finest:

Meanwhile, they burn the cross and firebomb Christian churches because they know they have nothing to lose--not their heads, their lives, anything. But if we so much as drop a Koran, joke about Muslims, or draw Mohammed...

Michelle is all over it...

Catholic Priest Missing In Baghdad

A third priest may now have become a victim of the violence and lawlessness in Baghdad. Father Basil Salem Yaldo was last seen leaving a church building in the Dora area of Baghdad. He is the personal secretary to the Catholic Patriarch for Iraq. At the time of his disappearance, a car bomb had exploded in the vicinity and a round-up of suspects took place by Iraqi and Coalition Security Forces. It is not known if Father Basil was taken into custody, is being held for ransom, or worse.

Just Outside Westminster Cathedral Today...

I thought I'd refrain from posting anything substantial about this uproar about the Pope's speech, since I'm sure other bloggers can put things more eloquently than me. ( here and here and here : "If the Pope does not appear on TV and apologise ... we will blow up all of Gaza's Churches" and here: a priest's calm take on things.).

Brave bunch aren't they? Always covering the face. Wimps.

Somali Cleric Calls For Pope's Death

A HARDLINE cleric linked to Somalia's powerful Islamist movement has called for Muslims to "hunt down" and kill Pope Benedict XVI for his controversial comments about Islam.

Sheikh Abubukar Hassan Malin urged Muslims to find the pontiff and punish him for insulting the Prophet Mohammed and Allah in a speech that he said was as offensive as author Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses.

Muslim Backlash at Pope Proves His Point

The New York Times carries water for the outraged Muslims and as Captain Ed so accurately says, the Pope apologizes for being prophetic. I mean, how better to demonstrate that your religion does not advocate violence in proselytization than to burn down some Christian Churches? How better to prove the point of the Pope in his appeal to “reason” than to react unreasonably?

Religion of peace my ass.

Oh yeah...
Muhammad is an ass.
Muhammad sucks.
Muhammad lied.
Muhammad and his followers are a bunch of thieves.
And any other anti-Muhammad comment you want to throw in there.

Muslim fanatic fascist piece of bottom feeding scum.

More later infadels!


As promised:

The Pope must die, says Muslim

A notorious Muslim extremist told a demonstration in London yesterday that the
Pope should face execution.
Anjem Choudary said those who insulted Islam
would be "subject to capital punishment".

Pope burned in effigy in Iraq as Mideast anger simmers

Iraqis have burned effigies of the pope and Al-Qaeda have vowed to pursue holy
war, as an apology by the pontiff failed on Monday to quell anger in the Middle East.
Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei said last
week's controversial comments by Pope Benedict XVI linking Islam and violence
were "links" in a US-Israeli conspiracy aimed at creating conflict between

Iran leader says pope remarks part of US-Israeli conspiracy

Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei has said remarks by the pope on Islam and violence were just the latest "links in the chain" of a
US-Israeli conspiracy aimed at creating conflict between religions.
of the arrogant imperialists have already defined the links of the chain in this
US-Zionist project by attacking Iraq," Khamenei said in comments broadcast on
state television.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The most amazing bit is that you're not supposed to disagree that it is a Religion of Peace, are you? If you dare to disagree they'll chop your head off (chop it with peace in their hearts, I suppose)!