Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The 9-11 Brewhaha

Again the left can't shut their mouths and let it be.

Again the left has to disgrace the memory of the fallen.

When will they learn?

How George Soros and the Left Remember 9-11

Too bad the left can't see the true color of their politics.

Time says: "Bush can't spin terrorism anymore."

If you go to the Time website, you'll notice that they are "powered by CNN," what more needs to be said about that?

Speaking of propaganda:

Former DC Islamic Head Says 9/11 Was An Inside Job

More liberal diatribes:

The Shoe on the Left Foot Seems to Pinch

Are Canadians Stupid?

Other intereseting tidbits:

The Myth of the "Fightin' Dems"

Spook Spin

Debunking 9/11

An interesting piece on the bias of the MSM as usual...
The Hard Cell

Talk about hypocrisy! The government cannot establish a religion, but it damn sure can censor one! Go figure...
Navy chaplain pleads not guilty in prayer case

Clinton aide says 9/11 film 'correct'

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