Today's Democratic Party Intellectually and Morally Bankrupt by David Limbaugh
In their desperation to regain the power they held for decades, Democrats have seized on a few isolated scandals and manufactured others, trying to paint Republicans as fostering a culture of corruption. But the real systemic corruption is in the Democratic Party, from its highest positions of leadership to the bowels of its Bush-hating, anti-war base.
Asleep at the Switch: The Path to 9/11 by W.H. Mann
NEW YORK -- Granted, five hours is a major time commitment for a TV program. But ABC's controversial miniseries, "The Path to 9/11," is worth it.
The drama, based largely on the 9/11 Commission reports, is not another rehash of the dark day the World Trade Center was attacked. Instead, it shows, with patience and no small amount of artfulness, what led up to that attack, starting years before.
Do Nothing, Congress! Please! by Lowell Ponte
"No man's life, liberty or property is safe," the old saying goes, "while the Congress is in session." This is truer today than ever before as voters find themselves trapped between Big Government Republican and socialist-led Democrat lawmakers.
Neither Side Deserves to Be Re-elected by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
Sorry, but you don't.
At the start of Congress, right after Bush's re-election, two topics dominated your agenda: Social Security and Immigration Reform. Neither passed.
From National Review Online:
Who’s Really Ignoring the Geneva Conventions? By Alykhan Velshi & Howard Anglin
In a landmark speech Wednesday, President Bush announced that all captured terrorists will receive the protections of Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions. This concession was compelled by the recent Supreme Court decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfield, where a narrow majority of the Court substituted its preferred detainee treatment policy for that of the president. Though bowing to the Supreme Court’s ukase, Bush acidly observed that this decision has “impaired our ability to prosecute terrorists.” This was too kind. The Court’s ruling in Hamdan established a deeply flawed framework for dealing with terrorists motivated by an implacable religious desire to destroy us.
Where Maria Elena Salinas Stands NOW By Mary Rose Rybak
NOW’s recognition of Salinas isn’t the only sign that the organization has progressively sought to get Hispanic groups on board with their mission over the past few years. In fact, just last year NOW recognized Josie Ashton — who is known for her efforts to decrease domestic violence in the Latina community — as another “Intrepid Woman” at their gala. NOW has also started presenting Spanish-spoken workshops at its annual conference, and this past July it showcased a workshop entitled, “Immigration is a Feminist Issue.”
Failure of Proof By Peter Kirsanow
The Supreme Court will be considering two cases in the coming term that will determine whether the benefits that flow from racially diverse K-12 classrooms constitute a compelling state interest. The Supreme Court held in the 2003 University of Michigan affirmative action case, Grutter v. Bollinger, that the benefits that flow from a racially diverse elite college campus constitute a compelling state interest permitting the use of racial classifications. The alleged benefits in Grutter were 1) breaking down racial stereotypes, 2) promoting cross-cultural understanding, 3) preparing students for a global marketplace, and 4) promoting spirited classroom discussions.
Cole Case By David White
Juan Cole’s supporters have taken to portraying the antiwar University of Michigan history professor as a victim of a neoconservative cabal that deep-sixed his job application at Yale. There’s only one problem with that conspiracy theory: It’s not true.
More News:
Bush Acknowledges Secret CIA Prisons By Nedra Pickler
President Bush has transferred 14 key terrorist leaders from secret CIA custody to the U.S. military-run prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to be prepared for eventual trials, a senior administration official said Wednesday.
Once again France defends Islamic Fascism by denegrading the US.
France rejects "war on terror" by Elizabeth Pineau
PARIS (Reuters) - France issued an implicit criticism of U.S. foreign policy on Thursday, rejecting talk of a "war on terror".
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, speaking in parliament, expressed these views on global terrorism, while President Jacques Chirac backed France's claims to the international front rank with a fresh defense of his country's nuclear arsenal.
One Leak and a Flood of Silliness By David S. Broder
These and other publications owe Karl Rove an apology. And all of journalism needs to relearn the lesson: Can the conspiracy theories and stick to the facts.
Pollster guilty of fake data conspiracy by Michael P. Mayko
BRIDGEPORT — A polling company owner admitted participating in a conspiracy to falsify data in order to meet deadlines for clients, which included the campaigns of President Bush, U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman, U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Mayor John M. Fabrizi.
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